BEC Feed Solutions & ICC Brazil Present

Multiaction Toxin Binder as A Complete Solution for Mycotoxins


Join us in hearing from expert key speakers on Multiaction Toxin Binder as A Complete Solution for Mycotoxins.

We will also be introducing to you, Megafix the latest, innovative product from ICC Brazil.


DATE: Wednesday 15th May, 2022

TIME: 8:45am WIB





Mega Pratiwi Saragi – Nutritionist and Technical of PT BEC Feed Solutions Indonesia

“Pendetoksi Mikotoksin yang Tepat Guna”

Mega Saragi received a full scholarship and completed her Master Degree in Science and Animal Nutrition at Bogor Agricultural University, after that she had the chance to work internship with government in organization focused on Animal Husbandry and Biotech. She then worked as Formulator in one of the major Indonesian Feedmill companies based in Myanmar for 3 years.

Since April 2019 join with BEC as Nutritionist and Technical to provide solution including premix design, animal nutrition and feed formulation, farm advise, also providing advice on direction usage of unique product from BEC to deal with everyday challenge in the farm.


Dr Kuo-Wei Ssu – General Manager Asia, ICC Brazil.

“Mycotoxin Protection Strategy with MegaFix”

Currently Dr Kuo Wei Ssu works at ICC Brazil as General Manager Asia. He is an expertise in monogastric animal nutrition sector. He graduated from University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA.

Dr Ssu also has several professional experiences as a researcher and nutritionist (swine feed) – Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines. He also has experience working in several international companies in Feed Additive industries.