BEC believes in supporting the research and development of animal health
and nutrition as part of the role we play in the human food chain.
By leveraging our network of global partners, we can access an extensive range
of R&D expertise to deliver new products and technology to Australian agriculture.
BEC is proud to work with a network of world class universities:
- University of Queensland
- Institute of animal nutrition, BOKU University
- Molecular Cell Physiology, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
- International Poultry Testing Station
- School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University
- Institute for Livestock Research
- Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
- Institute of Animal Science, University Minas Gerais, MG
- Institute of animal nutrition Pirassununga, University of Sao Paulo
- Institute of animal nutrition, Department veterinary medicine, University Berlin
- Department of animal science and animal nutrition, technical university Bingen
- Institute of animal nutrition, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation
- Institute of animal nutrition, University Bonn
- Institute of animal nutrition, University Hohenheim
- Institute of animal nutrition and nutritional science, University Giessen
- Bangkok Animal Research Center Co., LTD.
- Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction, University of Applied Science
- Competence Centre Wood, Technical University Vienna
- Schothorst Feed Research B.V.
- Department of Animal Science, University of Aarhus
- EUREKA – Innovation Across Borders
- Horizon 2020 – EU Research & Innovation Program
- COST – European Cooperation in Science & Technology
- EAAP – European Federation of Animal Science
- EFSA – European Food Safety Authority
- FERA Science (UK)
- DTU – Technical University of Denmark
- IBNA – National Research – Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition (Romania)
- IRTA – Institute of AgriFood Research and Technology (Italy)
- VTT – Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Matis Ltd. – Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D
- Teagasc – Agriculture & Food Development Authority (Ireland)
- INRA – French Agronomic Research Institution
- Wagenigen University & Research
- FINS – Institute of Food Technology (Serbia)
- University of Bologna (Italy)
- Free Berlin University (Germany)
- Fraunhofer Institute (Germany)
- Ghent University (Belgium)
- Vetmeduni Vienna – University of Veterinary Medicine (Austria)
- AZTI – Technology Expert Centre (Spain)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Netherlands
- CABI- Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
- Dairy NZ
- Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia)
- CSIRO (Australia)
- University of Sasketchawan (Canada)
- Wuhan University (China)
- Cornell University (USA)
- Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil)
- Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
- University of Chile (Chile)
- Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)